Global leaders meeting at COP26 are in a difficult position. On the one hand they have to make difficult decision about the future of the planet. On the other hand, they want to make decisions that will be popular with their electorate. If their voters are demanding climate action, then they will be encouraged to take bold action. But if their voters don’t see climate change as a threat, then politicians may avoid difficult decisions. Although some people are deeply concerned about climate change, a large proportion of people remain unaware that we are just a few years away from a climate catastrophe. Until the majority of voters understand the threats we face, it will be difficult for politicians to implement the policies that are required. Global warming must not increase beyond 2°C. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that we are rapidly approaching the limit on atmospheric carbon emissions. It predicted that this limit will be reached by 2030. There is a responsibility on all of us to understand the causes of climate change and the threats that face the planet. Unless politicians have our support, they won’t take action to solve climate change. Time is running out. To quote from a report by the IPCC:
From a base point in 1870, it has been calculated that global warming will reach the 2 degree target when CO2 emissions exceed a total of 2,900 billion tonnes. Approximately half this quantity was produced during the period 1870 to 2000. In the period 2000 – 2015, one third of the remaining carbon budget was produced. It is projected that the remaining volumes will be produced during the period 2015 – 2030.